Audio Cable (Digital)

  • AIPU cov tshuaj ntsuab sib kis tau cable PVC / LSZH Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Al-Tsiaj Daim Kab Xev nrog tinned tooj liab ntws hlau al-Tsiaj daim kab xev & tinned tooj liab braided

    AIPU cov tshuaj ntsuab sib kis tau cable PVC / LSZH Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Al-Tsiaj Daim Kab Xev nrog tinned tooj liab ntws hlau al-Tsiaj daim kab xev & tinned tooj liab braided

    Daim ntawv thov

    Rau digital audio kis.

    Kev tsim khoom
    1. Tus neeg xyuas pib: Cov pa tawm oxygen dawb
    2. Rwb thaiv tsev: S-Fpe
    3. Hniav: Twist Cov Pairs Tso-Up
    4. Ntsuam xyuas: Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Ib Tus Kheej (Yeem)

    Al-Tsiaj Daim Kab Xev & Tinned Tooj Liab Braided
    5. LAWV: PVC / LSZH

    »» Rwb thaiv tsev cores nyob hauv xim xiav thiab dawb nrog cov lej luam tawm.

    »» Kev ntsuas kub: saum 0 ° C
    »» Kev Ua Haujlwm Kub: -15 ° C ~ 65 ° C

    Cov Qauv Siv
    »BS En 60228
    »BS EN 50290
    »» RoHS Cov Lus Qhia

    Kev Ua Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob

    Velocity of Propagation 76%
    Impedance 0.1-6MHz 110 ω ± 15 ω
    Kev Ntsuas Cov Voltage 1.0 KVDC
    Tus neeg xyuas tswv yim DCR 134 ω / km (max. @ 20 ° C) rau 26AWG
    89.0 ω / km (max. @ 20 ° C) rau 24AWG
    56.0 ω / km (Max. @ 20 ° C) rau 22AWG

    Tiv tauj peb kom tau txais cov khoom lag luam

    微信图片 _20230612165757 微信图片 _20230612121657571 微信图片 _202306121657572 微信图片 _202306121657573 微信图片 _202306121657574 微信图片 _202306121657575 微信图片 _202306121657576

  • Khoos phis tawj, qhov ntsuas thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob yas cable PVC / LSZH BMS Audio Suab Suab Tiav Nyuj Khib Nyiab yog xaiv tau

    Khoos phis tawj, qhov ntsuas thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob yas cable PVC / LSZH BMS Audio Suab Suab Tiav Nyuj Khib Nyiab yog xaiv tau

    Lub cable yog tsim rau BMS, suab, suab, kev ruaj ntseg, kev nyab xeeb, tswj thiab ntsuas daim ntawv thov sab hauv & sab nraum zoov. Ntau-khub cables muaj. Nws tuaj yeem yog siv dav rau cov txheej txheem tsim cov txheej txheem thiab cov ntaus ntawv Converter suab twj paj nruag.
    Al-Tsiaj daim kab xev nrog tinned tooj liab drain xaim thaiv yog xaiv tau.
    PVC lossis LSZH Sheath yog ob qho muaj.

    Cov khoom tsis muaj

    Kev tsim khoom
    1. Neeg xyuas: Stranded tinned tooj liab hlau
    2. Rwb thaiv tsev: polyolefin
    3. Kev sib txuas: Cores pw-up
    4. Ntsuam xyuas: Al-Tsiaj Daim Kab Xev nrog Tinned Tooj Hluav Taws Xob Hlau
    5. LAWV: PVC / LSZH

    Txhim Kho Kub: Saum 0ºC
    Kev Ua Haujlwm Kub: -15ºC ~ 70ºC

  • Cov suab paj nruag digital cable multipair nrog tsawg capacitance

    Cov suab paj nruag digital cable multipair nrog tsawg capacitance

    1. The cable is designed for digital audio transmission, used in connecting for audio appliances, such as speaker, small electric tools and instruments. Ntau-khub cables muaj.

    2. Al-Tsiaj Daim Kab Xev & Tinned tooj liab ntxias yuav ua rau lub teeb liab thiab hnub cuam tshuam pub dawb.

    3. PVC lossis LSZH Sheath yog ob qho muaj.